
The properties of SK&F 106760 [N α-acetyl-cyclo(S,S)-cysteinyl-N α-methylarginylglycyl-aspartyl-penicillamine-amide] as a GPIIb/IIIa antagonist have been studied in vitro and compared with those of the parent molecule, Ac-RGDS-NH 2. Ac-RGDS-NH 2 inhibited biotinylated fibrinogen binding to purified human GPIIb/IIIa immobilized on plastic microtitre plates with a Ki of 530 ± 73 nM. In canine platelet rich plasma Ac-RGDS-NH 2 produced a concentration related inhibition of adenosine diphosphate-induced platelet aggregation following preincubation for 3 min with an IC50 of 91 ± 1 μM. However, incubation in platelet rich plasma for 3 hr abolished the activity of Ac-RGDS-NH 2. SK&F 106760 inhibited biotinylated fibrinogen binding to purified human GPIIb/IIIa immobilized on plastic microtitre plates with a K i of 477 ± 57 pM. SK&F 106760 inhibited adenosine diphosphate-induced platelet aggregation in human platelet rich plasma with an IC50 of 230 ± 60 nM but did not inhibit the von Willebrand Factor receptor (GPIb/IX)-mediated platelet agglutination produced by ristocetin. In canine platelet rich plasma SK&F 106760 inhibited aggregation produced by adenosine diphosphate, collagen and epinephrine/U-46619 with IC 50 values of 355 ± 35, 260 ± 20, and 490 ± 90 nM, respectively and in gel filtered platelets inhibited thrombin-mediated aggregation with an IC50 of 188 ± 10 nM. Preincubation of SK&F 106760 in platelet rich plasma for three hours had no significant effect on its ability to inhibit adenosine diphosphate-induced platelet aggregation. SK&F 106760 produced insurmountable inhibition of adenosine diphosphate-induced platelet aggregation in the presence of constant fibrinogen concentrations, but produced competitive inhibition of the concentration-response curve to fibrinogen in adenosine diphosphate-activated platelets with a Kb of 8.0 ± 1.0 nM. Thus, SK&F 106760 is a potent, stable competitive GPIIb/IIIa antagonist with no detectable activity at the von Willebrand Factor receptor (GPIb/IX).

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