
In the present study we considered the effects of bilateral orchiectomy on the metabolism of androstenedione in the adrenal gland of the adult male rat. Adrenal glands of intact animals incubated in the presence of 3H androstenedione resulted in its conversion to testosterone and dihydrotestosterone (the two principal metabolites investigated). The value of the latter metabolite increased with the elapsing of time from castration despite the decrease of testosterone with respect to that observed in the sham operated rats of the same age. This effect is reversed in the presence of testosterone treatment with androstenedione and testosterone levels similar to those obtained in intact animals. Androstenedione adrenal metabolism is greatly lowered following the administration of dihydrotestosterone propionate, resulting in high substrate residue values with respect to untreated castrated rats. Contemporarily, testosterone metabolite value remains unchanged while the production of dihydrotestosterone is significantly lower. Finally a decrease of DHT was also encountered in the presence of estradiol benzoate. The above results clearly point to a progressive activation of the 5 alpha-reductase of the adrenal gland after castration utilizing androstenedione as substrate. The metabolic pathway leading to the production of dihydrotestosterone from androstenedione appears to be modulated differently following the administration of gonadal steroids.

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