
The skeletal fraction of forest soils in the Southern Black Forest has a cation exchange capacity (CEC) within the same order of magnitude as fine earth. As the base saturation in the skeleton is much higher than in the fine earth, stones provide a physiologically more favourable environment for nutrient uptake by plants. The fact that 70% of the skeleton grains showed adherent rhizomorphae and/or fine roots suggests that this potential is widely used by nutrient-adsorbing tissues. Therefore the ecological importance of this additional and, until now, unconsidered ion pool available to plants is probably higher than what is reflected by simple ion quantities. The effective CEC of the coarse fraction in forest sites with crystalline bedrock is reasonably predictable considering the water vapour adsorption of the 105°C dried skeleton at a suction of pF 4.6 (vapour pressure equilibrium with an oversaturated K2SO4 solution). The content of exchangeable base cations in the coarse fraction can be estimated using the content of exchangeable Mg in the fine earth. These stochastic relations are causally plausible. The regressions are a first approach to identify pedo-transfer functions predicting the skeleton’s nutrient potential with the aid of easily measurable site parameters.

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