
Atmospheric pollution is a complex process involving many inter-related phenomena such as acid rain, the enhanced greenhouse effect and depletion of the ozone layer. There is now a sense of urgency among the international community for concerted action to protect the environment. The term 'Acid Rain' describes the process of acidification of the environment due to emissions of oxides of sulphur and nitrogen from the combustion of fossil fuels. Its sources are road transport and large and small power plant. Other emissions of hydrocarbons interact with emissions of nitrogen oxides to produce harmful levels of low-level ozone, which also contributes to the process of environmental damage. The most common technologiesfor abatement of acid emissions are low NOX burners and flue gas desulphurisation. EC legislation to control emissions will require action in the UK to reduce emissions of SO2 from large combustion plant by 60 percent by 2003. The greenhouse effect is expected to cause average global temperatures to rise by up to 4°C by early next century. Active greenhouse gases are carbon dioxide, chlorofluorocarbons, hydrocarbons, nitrous oxide and tropospheric ozone. CO2 is expected to make an increasing contribution to the greenhouse effect and most abatement strategies relate to reducing CO2 emissions. Achievement by the UK of a reduction of CO2 emissions to below their 1987 levels is technically possible but will be very difficult. The vigorous implementation of a strategy of technical and policy abatement options could however maintain emissions at their 1987 levels. The industrial sector is the largest single cause of CO2 emissions. Industrial energy use and emissions have changed considerably over recent years. This has resulted from increasing energy efficiency, the use of natural gas and structural changes in the economy. The potential for further reductions is considerable. The worldwide implementation of best available technologies could keep global emissions of CO2 at their present levels.

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