
This article is devoted to the analysis of the legal consequences of the use of technologies, equippedwith artificial intelligence for human rights in Ukraine and in the world in general. Issues of regulatingthe development, use and utilization of such technologies are actively researched in the works of foreignscientists. However, this topic is still less developed among Ukrainian scholars. Given the speed ofdevelopment of such technologies, their implementation into all spheres of public life, this necessitates theneed for legal regulation of this sphere of relations. We propose to explore the challenges we face todayand to study the experience of foreign countries that have already begun and partially passed the way ofdeveloping approaches to regulating the relations that arise during the use of artificial intelligence. The articleexamines a three-level assessment of the impact of artificial intelligence on human rights, which includesan analysis of the quality of educational data used to «teach» the artificial intelligence system, risk analysisat the artificial intelligence system design stage and research of algorithms of artificial intelligence systeminteractions with the environment. Another important issue of analysis is the ethical side of the regulationof systems, equipped with artificial intelligence. With this in mind, article examines the importance ofenshrining ethical principles and norms that should form the basis for the development of domestic policies,legislation and jurisprudence in litigation due to human rights violations by artificial intelligence systems. Italso contains the analysis of the legality and ethics of data storage, including those that constitute private due to the use of these technologies is the stage of risk assessment in the development of legislation onthe regulation, use of technology and other issues related to human rights. The author conducted a studyof the causes and consequences of human rights violations due to the application of these technologies, aswell as proposed mechanisms for prevention and compensation for such violations.

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