
The Kurdish issue is one of the sensitive issues in Iraqi-Turkish relations since the establishment of the Iraqi state in 1921 until the present day. At the beginning of the nineties of the last century, the emergence of a Kurdish entity began on the borders of Turkey, in return, the Kurds of Iraq established autonomy independent of the central government and established political institutions Independent that reflected the circumstances that arose after the Iraqi forces were expelled from Kuwait in 1991. These circumstances created a worrying situation for the Iraqi and Turkish governments, and Turkey had to take into account its interests in order to preserve its national security. As for the new reality after the American occupation of Iraq in 2003, It has produced a more dangerous reality, represented by the increase of Kurdish demands, leading to the establishment of a state independent of Iraq, and this represents a threat to the national unity of the two countries, which is rejected by other neighboring countries such as Iran and Syria, which include the presence of Kurdish minorities in it and accordingly there are commonalities between the two countries and this is what the details of the research answer and the importance of the research lies In knowing the hinge in Iraqi-Turkish relations, the Kurds desire independence from both countries and the establishment of a new state in Sham The Iraq and southeastern Turkey. Keywords: Autonomy, the central government, the Kurds, the region, the secession

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