
Radio waves traversing the Earth's ionosphere suffer from Faraday rotation with noticeable effects on measurements from lower frequency space-based radars, but these effects can be easily corrected given estimates of the Faraday rotation angle, i.e., $\Omega$ . Several methods to derive $\Omega$ from polarimetric measurements are known, but they are affected by system distortions (crosstalk and channel imbalance) and noise. A first-order analysis for the most robust Faraday rotation estimator leads to a differentiable expression for the bias in the estimate of $\Omega$ in terms of the amplitudes and phases of the distortion terms and the covariance properties of the target. The analysis applies equally to L-band and P-band. We derive conditions on the amplitudes and phases of the distortion terms that yield the maximum bias and a compact expression for its value for the important case where $\Omega=0$ . Exact simulations confirm the accuracy of the first-order analysis and verify its predictions. Conditions on the distortion amplitudes that yield a given maximum bias are derived numerically, and the maximum bias is shown to be insensitive to the amplitude of the channel imbalance terms. These results are important not just for correcting polarimetric data but also for assessing the accuracy of the estimates of the total electron content derived from Faraday rotation.


  • T HE presence of the geomagnetic field causes radio waves traversing the Earth’s ionospheric plasma to suffer from Faraday rotation, which rotates the plane of polarization of the propagating wave through an angle given by [1, p. 343] e3 B cos ψΩ = 8π2ε0m2c f02 TGRS.2015.2395076 electron content (TEC) sec θ (1)where e is the electron charge, m is the mass of the electron, ε0 is the permittivity of free space, B is the geomagnetic field intensity, f0 is the radio frequency, ψ is the angle between the radar beam and the geomagnetic field, TEC is the totalManuscript received April 22, 2014; revised August 22, 2014; accepted November 28, 2014

  • In order to minimize ionospheric effects, BIOMASS calibration is best performed near the geomagnetic equator where the Faraday rotation is small, but account must still be taken of its deviation from zero

  • This paper has provided a first-order differentiable approximation to the bias in Faraday rotation estimates caused by system distortions and noise, from which the conditions on the amplitudes and phases of the crosstalk and channel imbalance terms that give rise to the largest possible bias in Ω are derived, given the constraints on the amplitude of the distortion terms

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T HE presence of the geomagnetic field causes radio waves traversing the Earth’s ionospheric plasma to suffer from Faraday rotation, which rotates the plane of polarization of the propagating wave through an angle given by [1, p. 343]. Studies at L-band (wavelength ∼24 cm) have presented the likely variations of Ω under latitude, season, and solar activity variations [2], and they have shown that Ω can take values up to ±20◦ for the large values of the TEC encountered under solar maximum conditions [3] These calculations can be converted to the P-band case (wavelength ∼70 cm) since the Faraday rotation scales as wavelength squared [see (1)]; it is an order of magnitude greater at P-band than at L-band. In order to minimize ionospheric effects, BIOMASS calibration is best performed near the geomagnetic equator where the Faraday rotation is small, but account must still be taken of its deviation from zero

Maximizing Bias in Ω
Maximum Bias in Faraday Rotation for Nonzero Values of Ω
Constraining Maximum Faraday Rotation Bias
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