
When a new discovery brings a seismic shift in our old thinking, what price do we pay? This abstract describes the creation of Life in the Lab. The day we discovered that the RNA, a molecule that codes for Life, can self-replicate, self-organize and self-evolve, it also has the ability not only to store the information like DNA, can catalyze reaction like protein, we know that we embark on a New-World Order to create Life in the Lab. The New World Order would be based on the truth, experimental evidence, facts, reproducible and verifiable results. The Old Word Order of the seven-day creation of Life on Earth was imagined by our elders based on beliefs, fiction, magic, mystery without any evidence without any verifiable proofs. What the New World Order discovered is that the essence of Life is information, and the information is located on four organic molecules called nucleotides and they are Adenine, Thiamine, Guanine and Cytosine. They are found in the nucleus of all living creatures from a tiny blade of grass to mighty Elephant including, Man, Mouse, Monkey and Microbes. The greatest achievement is that we could not only synthesize these molecules in our Labs, but also, we could arrange them in a specific order of three letter called Codon which codes for an Amino acid. The four-nucleotide text could be arranged in sixty-four different combinations to code for all twenty amino acids to make proteins that perform all our body functions. Thousands of proteins interact to make a Cell. Millions of Cells interact to make a Tissue and hundreds of Tissues interact to make an Organ and several Organs interact to make a Human. Once we synthesize RNA molecule in the Lab, we can create novel microbial life forms, a series of biological machines which carry instructions to produce new food, new fuel, and new medicine to treat every disease known to mankind.

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