
Media is one of the main agents of socialization that affects youth the most. Young adults are majority time are surrounded by the media, which brings me to my main question, "How is Mass Media Affecting Socialization in Children and Young Adults in Albania?" To understand this question one must know and understand what socialization is. The socialization process is a very dramatic impact on a child's life. Socialization is a "Continuing process whereby an individual acquires a personal identity and learns the norms, values, behavior, and social skills appropriate to his or her social position". Mass media has enormous effects on our attitudes and behavior which makes it an important contributor to the socialization process. in some ways mass media can serve as a positive function. It helps there to be more diversity, we can learn more about things that are going on in different countries. It can help you learn new things you did not know. Sadly Media can serve as a negative function in young people life. Young people want to be accepted by society and the media creates the ideal image that tells you what the characteristics are to be accepted and to be able to fit in with society. They show what you should look like, how you can look like this, and where to go to buy these things that will make you look right. This is why many young women deal with anorexia because they want to look like the ideal type that the media displays. Media also influences young people to misbehave. Media shows that being deviant makes you cool and look tough and that it's okay to do deviant things. Statistics show that when young people watch violence on television it increases their appetites to become involved in violence. It opens their minds to violence and makes them aware of crimes and people acting deviant. Many people think that the media does not play a role in the socialization process as much as family, peers and education. But in fact the media plays a strong role in the socialization process. The aim of this study is to see the positive and negative effects that the Albanian media plays in the socialization process in Albania.

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