
Received: 2018-05-18 | Accepted: 2018-05-22 | Available online: 2018-11-26 https://doi.org/10.15414/afz.2018.21.04.166-168 The aim of study was to evaluate the impact of genetic and non-genetic factors on somatic cells count in Slovak Simmental dairy cows in period 2009 to 2013. We observed subsequent results in dairy cows of 55 822 Slovak Simmental cattle. Data were analysed using the SAS and linear model with fixed effects of herd, years and months controls, sire, breeding type. The results of somatic cells count during the years 2009 and 2013 were as follows: the highest number of samples was analysed during 2010 (n = 288 215), where the average count was 560.48*10 3 · ml -1 . The lowest average value of somatic cells count was of amount of 535.93*10 3 · ml -1 (n = 280 732) in 2009.The linear model represents coefficient determination R 2 = 0.038296 % (P<0.001) for SCC with all fixed effects. According to the analyses by the effects on SCC the highest effect was the effect of herd R 2 = 0.021625, then effect of sire R 2 = 0.015075. These effects were highly statistically significant (P<0.001). Correlation coefficients among milk in kg, fat, protein in % with somatic cells count were r = -0.12918, r = 0.04166 and r = 0.11423. These coefficients were highly statistically significant (P<0.001). Keywords: dairy cows, milk production, Slovak Simmental cattle, somatic cells count and coefficient of determination References Alhussien M.N., Dang A.K. (2018) Milk somatic cells, factors influencing their release, future prospects, and practical utility in dairy animals: An overview. Veterinary World, 11 (5), 562-577. DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.14202/vetworld.2018.562-577 Boro, P., Naha, B., Prakash, Ch., Madkar, A., Kumar, N., Kumari, A., Prakash Channa, G. (2016) Genetic and non-genetic factors affecting milk composition in dairy cows. 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  • The somatic cells count (SCC) of milk is widely used to monitor udder health and the milk quality (Sharif, Muhammad, 2008; Jadhav et al, 2016).The composition of milk from dairy cows is of major interest to milk producers, processors and consumers because of its health related issues and market demand

  • Milk composition can be affected by a wide array of factors: breed, season, age, stage of lactation and diet of the animal (Savić et al, 2017; Tančin et al, 2018).Factors affecting on somatic cells count shows in publications others authors as Cerón-Muñoz et al, 2002; Souza et al, 2005; Rhone et al, 2008; Oudah, 2009; Saravanan et al, 2015 and Alhussien, Dang, 2018

  • We according to divided dairy cows a breedtype S0 – cows with genetic proportion of pure Slovak Simmental blood, S1 ­– cows with genetic proportion of pure Slovak Simmental blood, S2 – cows with genetic proportion of pure Slovak Simmental blood

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The somatic cells count (SCC) of milk is widely used to monitor udder health and the milk quality (Sharif, Muhammad, 2008; Jadhav et al, 2016).The composition of milk from dairy cows is of major interest to milk producers, processors and consumers because of its health related issues and market demand. It directly affects the economy of milk production as well as economic condition of these dairy farmers (Boro et al, 2016). The aim of study was to evaluate the impact of genetics and non-genetics factors on somatic cells count in Slovak Simmental dairy cows

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