
We theoretically explore the impact of cross-Kerr nonlinearity (CKN) on rotary photon drag (RPD) and temporal cloaking in a Sagnac interferometer. With the activation of CKN, significant improvements in RPD and temporal cloaking are observed. Drag angles of ±1×10−3 and ±5×10−3 radians are attained, similarly, temporal gaps of 10μ s, 12μ s and 13μ s are observed. In addition to the observed electromagnetically induced transparency window, the group refractive index is drastically enhanced, time delay/advance are tuned from pico-radians to micro-radians, and reduced relativistic group velocities are achieved by activating CKN within the system. Additionally, the transmission pulses intensities are observed to be reduced with the dragging phenomenon. The findings may have potential applications in controlled image coding, rotation sensing and secure communication technologies.

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