
Stretches of cytosine-rich DNA are capable of adopting a dynamic secondary structure, the i-motif. When within promoter regions, the i-motif has the potential to act as a molecular switch for controlling gene expression. However, i-motif structures in genomic areas of repetitive nucleotide sequences may play a role in facilitating or hindering expansion of these DNA elements. Despite research on the i-motif trailing behind the complementary G-quadruplex structure, recent discoveries including the identification of a specific i-motif antibody are pushing this field forward. This perspective reviews initial and current work characterizing the i-motif and providing insight into the biological function of this DNA structure, with a focus on how the i-motif can serve as a molecular target for developing new therapeutic approaches to modulate gene expression and extension of repetitive DNA.


  • In 1953, Watson and Crick first published the structure of the DNA double helix [1].They described a DNA molecule as a right-handed, twisted coil composed of a purine and pyrimidine inner core held together by hydrogen bonds, with a sugar–phosphate backbone that extended from these paired bases

  • Human telomeric i-motif sequences were used as a model, the findings provide a proof of concept that α-syn may exert its cellular function through interactions with i-motifs [151]

  • Major technological advances to detect and evaluate i-motif formation have contributed to the understanding of i-motif biology and addressed the longstanding question of whether DNA adopts such structures within cells

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In 1953, Watson and Crick first published the structure of the DNA double helix [1]. They described a DNA molecule as a right-handed, twisted coil composed of a purine and pyrimidine inner core held together by hydrogen bonds, with a sugar–phosphate backbone that extended from these paired bases. Similar to the guanines in the G4, base pairing of cytosines occurs of cytosines occurs via Hoogsteen hydrogen bonds; since the formation via Hoogsteen hydrogen bonds; since the formation of i-motif structures of imotif requires the protonation of cytosines, form more requires the structures protonationalso of cytosines, i-motifs form more readily ati-motifs acidic pH. I-motif folded structure; and tracts and (C) the C-rich sequence that gives rise to an i-motif with the pairing pattern of cytosine (C) the illustrated. Many factors are recognized to influence whether a nucleotide sequence is likely to form an i-motif, including the local, molecular environment, loop length and base composition, and epigenetic modification. The specific nucleotide sequence of the i-motif-forming region impacts the stability of the consequent structure, where, for example, the melting temperature of an i-motif increases with the number of cytosines in sequence [29,30]. The presence of i-motif sequences within CpG islands, which are well-known sites of methylation, supports this finding and indicates that methylation may contribute to i-motif formation within living cells [37,38,39]

Visualization of the i-Motif Using Fluorescent Antibodies and In-Cell NMR
Transcriptional Activator
Transcriptional Repressor
Identification of i-Motif Interactive Small Molecules
G4 Interaction as an Important Consideration for Identifying i-Motif Ligands
Stabilization of the c-MYC and Telomeric Structures Inhibits Tumor Growth
Destabilization of the KRAS and PDGFR-β i-Motifs Blocks Oncogenic Signaling
Potential of Targeting i-Motifs in Other Cancer-Related Genes
Genetic Neurological Disorders Linked to Nucleotide Repeat Expansions
Other Neurological Disorders
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