
The consequence of insufficient attention of specialists to the human factor in the development of biomedical technologies is the lack of awareness of biomedical engineering students with the cognitive aspects of human-machine interaction, which does not allow the design of safe and reliable biomedical systems. The paper shows the need to consider the human factor at all stages of the life cycle of biomedical systems and the need to introduce a discipline dedicated to the phenomenon of the human factor into the training program for biomedical engineers. Thus, the consequence of the development of biotechnologies is the necessity for teaching students to consider the human factor at all stages of the biomedical technologies life cycle. The motivation is to bridge the gap between the theoretical concepts proposed to eliminate human factors problems in the modelling and design of biomedical systems and the practical implementation of human activities in them. It is necessary to consider the issues that may arise due to the human factor in the operation of biomedical systems in order to move forward in solving these problems.

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