
Hsp70 proteins are a well-known class of chaperones that have also been described to have roles in cellular regulation. Here, we show that a Cryptococcus neoformans Hsp70 homologue Ssa1 acts as a DNA-binding transcriptional co-activator of the fungal virulence factor, laccase, via binding to a GC-rich element within the 5'-UAS in response to glucose starvation, iron, copper, calcium and temperature. In addition, Ssa1 forms a regulatory complex with heat shock transcription factor and TATA-binding protein during laccase induction. Furthermore, deletion of Ssa1 results in reduced laccase and attenuated virulence using a mouse model. These results indicate that Hsp70 functions as a stress-related transcriptional co-activator required for fungal virulence.

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