
The paper presents high-resolution maps of the HC3N emission from the hot core associated with IRc2 in OMC-1. The majority of the hot core material has a velocity dispersion less than the escape velocity and is probably bound to IRc2. However, there is a small amount of material with higher velocity which cannot be bound and therefore must be escaping from the region. A model for the IRc2 region is presented in which the current morphology is the result of the interaction of an isotropic wind with local high-density structures such as the hot core and the surrounding ridge. The hot core material has been preserved from immediate disruption by its high density, although the HC3N maps show evidence for ongoing ablation. Emission from two other dense condensations is found in the HC3N maps. The first lies northeast of IRc2 and is identified with the feature CS 1 seen by Mundy et al. (1986). The second is close to IRc2 but has a very different velocity and is therefore probably not bound to IRc2.

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