
The HLA-DO molecule is a non-classical class II heterodimer composed of alpha and beta chains. We have previously recognized that all eight of the allelic variations of the HLA-DOA gene represent non-synonymous amino acid substitution. In the present study, to analyze genetic polymorphism and allelic variation of the HLA-DOB gene which may affect the efficiency of class II restricted antigen presentation thereby being involved in the susceptibility of HLA associated diseases, we conducted direct DNA sequencing of HLA-DOB in 36 HLA class II homozygous typing cells and identified six new allelic variations (DOB*0101101, *0101102, *01012, *01022, *0104101 and *0104102) including five single nucleotide polymorphisms with only one amino acid substitution. Furthermore, strong linkage disequilibrium was detected between DOB*01022 and DRB1*1502 only, with no linkage disequilibrium between the DOA and the DOB genes. The HLA-DOB gene has been identified in other mammals, and their nucleotide sequences are well conserved. These facts suggest that limited polymorphism in the DOB gene is profitable to execute their unique function as a co chaperone and so strong selective pressure is operating to prevent generic variation against the DOB molecule interacting with the DM molecule and thus maintaining the specified immunological function of regulating antigen presentation.

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