
The education is regarded as the invincible element for the development of a society. Without the progress of education the rate of development index of a particular society cannot be measured. The Bodos are the single largest aboriginal tribe living in the Brahmaputra valley of Assam from the time immemorial. They possessed rich socio-cultural tradition and solid language of their own. In the early 19th century on the eve of British intervention in Assam the condition of education among the Bodos was completely in a stake. It was after the adoption of the education policy in Assam by British Government the ray of educational hope reached to the Bodos. It was undeniable fact that the Christian Missionaries also played an important role in disseminating western education among the Bodos through their evangelical objectives in view. They established many schools in the remote places of the Bodo populated areas to spread the education. Besides that the Christian Missionaries left many literary activities among the Bodos as a credit in their account. These missionary activities awaken the educated elite sections of the Bodos to promulgate social reform movement by the means of literary activities. As a consequence in the early part of the 20th century under the banner of Boro Chatra Sanmilani some of the educated Bodo youths had started to publish series of magazines like Bibar, Jenthoka and Alongbar etc. and many others. This process of literary development among the Bodos stimulated the trend of social awakening and paved encouragement to the new generation towards the path of enlightenment.

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