
The normal histologioal features of the lymphatic organs — pericardial nodes, jugular bodies, spleen, and kidney — of the marine toad, Bufo marinus, are decribed. The lymph nodes and spleen of the marine toad lack the compartmental organization of corresponding mammalian organs and contain relatively less internal connective tissue. The cellular stroma composed of reticulum cells and fixed macrophages plays a more important role in maintaining structural organization than do the connective tissue. Changes in the cellular composition of the lymphatic parenchyma were observed in animals immunized with bovine serum albumin suspended in Freund's complete adjuvant. In addition to an increase in the number of lymphocytes and the presence of lymphoid hemocytoblasts, cells occurred which possessed many of the morphological characteristics of mammalian plasma cells. These plasma cells, which exhibited positive fluorescent antibody reaction, were more abundant in the kidney than in the lymph nodes or spleen of an immunized animal. Granulomas developed at the site (gastrocnemius muscle) of injection of antigen in complete adjuvant, and similar cystic lesions arose in the kidney. Apparently, the antigen-adjuvant mixture found its way from the site of injection (gastrocnemius muscle) into the kidney, probably via the renal portal system, and established lesions in the kidney. Appreciable numbers of antibody-forming cells, or plasma cells, were found in the muscle granulomas and in the kidney lesions. The lymphoid tissue of the kidney is considered the principal site of antibody formation in the marine toad, Bufo marinus.

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