
The heartwood of jack pine was analyzed by various chromatographic techniques and countercurrent distribution. The major components were found to be isopimaric, abietic, dehydroabietic, and neoabietic acids, as well as glycerides of oleic, linoleic, and linolenic acids. Smaller amounts of pimaric, sandaracopimaric, myristic, palmitic, stearic, palmitoleic, and four unidentified acids were recorded, as well as fatty acid esters of β-sitosterol, α-terpineol, and four unidentified volatile alcohols. Of the phenols, pinocembrin, pinobanksin, and pinosylvin monomethyl ether predominated. Pinosylvin was isolated and several minor constituents including lignan-like compounds were detected in the acetone extract. The methanol extract was composed mainly of polymeric lignan-like fractions. From one of these a trimer, C60H66O24, m.p. 186–188 °C, αd + 3.2°, was isolated. The small amount of steam-volatile material consisted mainly of α- and β-pinene, benzoic acid, and α-terpineol. Traces of methyl benzoate, camphene, limonene, β-phellandrene, cis-p-menthan-8-ol, and nine unidentified trace components were recorded.

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