
The Clifford G. Grulee Award was created by the Executive Board in honor of Dr. Grulee upon his retirement as Executive Secretary in 1951. The Award is made for outstanding service to the American Academy of Pediatrics, and the presentation to the recipient is a feature of the annual business meeting. The Award consists of a handsome gold medal bearing the insignia of the Academy and the inscription "Clifford G. Grulee Award" on the face of the medal, and on the obverse side the name of the recipient with the inscription "For outstanding service to the American Academy of Pediatrics" (illustration in Pediatrics, 17:576, 1956). Presentation of the Grulee Award for 1956 was made to Dr. Philip S. Barba of Philadelphia by Dr. Grulee who remarked: "I am sure that all of you know Dr. Barba, if not personally, at least by reputation. He has long been an untiring and devoted worker for the American Academy of Pediatrics and its objectives. "Phil Barba was born in Philadelphia about 61 years ago. As a young man he left his native city long enough to acquire a college education at Princeton University, but he returned to Philadelphia to study medicine and graduated from the University of Pennsylvania Medical School in 1923. Dr. Barba has always lived in Philadelphia where he has had a busy practice and yet found time to take part in many civic health projects, to teach medical students and residents, and to work diligently for the Academy. "Phil Barba has served as Director of the Department of Pediatrics at Germantown Hospital; Chief of Pediatrics at Rexborough Memorial Hospital; attending pediatrician to St. Christopher's Hospital; Associate Professor of Pediatrics at Temple University School of Medicine and also as Associate Professor at the University of Pennsylvania Graduate School of Medicine. More recently he has become the Director of the Family Health Advisor Service at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine.

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