
This article provides an expository study of 2 Thessalonians 2,1-12 in which Paul delineatesthe Christian history from his day until the Second Coming. The apostle contendsthat the Christian history will be characterized by a great spiritual rebellion against Godorganized by Satan. The apostle points to the central roles of two entities in that greatrebellion, which he defines in terms of “the man of lawlessness” as the agent of Satan and“the restrainer” who for some time holds back the full revelation of that lawless figureon the world scene. Bible commentaries offer various proposal on the identity of thesetwo entities. This study provides a careful exposition of 2 Thessalonians 2,1-12 within itsliterary context and in the relation with corresponding Daniel 7 and Revelation 13 andoffers a fresh interpretation of this apocalyptic text of Paul.

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