
This study conducts a three-dimensional electro-thermal time-domain simulation fornumerical analysis of cylindrical-shaped phase change memories (PCMs). The influence ofchalcogenide material, germanium antimony telluride (GeSbTe or GST), structure on PCMoperation is explored. GST with vertical structure exhibits promising characteristics. Thebottom electrode contact (BEC) is advanced to improve the operation of PCMs, where a25% reduction of the required programming current is achieved at a cost of 26% reducedresistance ratio. The position of the BEC is then shifted to further improve theperformance of PCMs. The required programming current is reduced by a factor of 11,where the resistance ratio is only decreased by 6.9%. However, the PCMs with alarger shift of BEC are sensitive to process variation. To design PCMs with lessthan 10% programming current variation, PCMs with shifted BEC, where theshifted distance is equal to 1.5 times the BEC’s radius, is worth considering.This study quantitatively estimates the structure effect on the phase transitionof PCMs and physically provides an insight into the design and technology ofPCMs.

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