
Olivine-hosted melt inclusions in the O95 pyroclastic layer of Izu-Oshima volcano, Japan are basaltic to basaltic-andesitic in composition. The negative correlation between SiO2 and H2O in melt inclusions and reverse compositional zoning observed in olivine and other mineral phenocrysts is inferred to arise from mixing between a highly evolved and a less evolved magma. The latter is characterized by the highest S (0.15 wt.%) and H2O (3.4 wt.%) concentrations among those described in reports of previous studies. The S6+/Stotal ratios in melt inclusions were 0.64 – 0.73, suggesting a relatively high oxidation state (NNO + 0.87 at 1150°C). The presence of pyrrhotites, which are found only in titanomagnetite microlites, suggests that sulfide saturation occurred during microlite growth under at a sulfur fugacity (log fS2) value of around + 0.5 for T = 1060°C. The groundmass glass compositions are more evolved (andesitic composition) than any melt inclusions containing high amounts of Cl (0.13 wt.%) but negligible H2O (0.20 wt.%) and S (< 70 ppm), suggesting that Cl was retained in the magma, in contrast to S and H2O, which degassed strongly during magma effusion.

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