
CRATAEGUS CRUS-GALLI Linnaeus.Near Wilmington the typical form of this species is common. It is a glabrous tree with wide-spreading branches, obovate coriaceous leaves with the primary veins mostly within the parenchyma, IO stamens, bright rose-colored anthers, and sub-globose or short-oblong dull crimson fruit which often remains on the branches late into the winter or until spring. The leaves on short lateral branches are clustered and erect, while the long and numerous spines mostly point downward. In the middle states, however, there are many perplexing forms of this species; some have more or less hairy corymbs; of others the fruit varies in size, shape, and brightness of color; of others the leaves are thinner, nearly always acute and sharply serrate, with more prominent veins, and occasionally individuals are found nearly destitute of thorns. Some of the most distinct of these varieties may be characterized as follows: CRATAEGUS CRUS-GALLI oblongata, n. var.-Fruit oblong, often 2.5cm in length, rather brighter colored than the fruit of the type; nutlets I or 2, acute at the ends, prominently or often only slightly ridged on the dorsal side, IO to i imm long.

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