
Glucosinolates are a group of thioglucosides that are components of an activated chemical defense found in the Brassicales. Plant tissue damage results in hydrolysis of glucosinolates by endogenous thioglucosidases known as myrosinases. Spontaneous rearrangement of the aglucone yields reactive isothiocyanates that are toxic to many organisms. In the presence of specifier proteins, alternative products, namely epithionitriles, simple nitriles, and thiocyanates with different biological activities, are formed at the expense of isothiocyanates. Recently, simple nitriles were recognized to serve distinct functions in plant-insect interactions. Here, we show that simple nitrile formation in Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) ecotype Columbia-0 rosette leaves increases in response to herbivory and that this increase is independent of the known epithiospecifier protein (ESP). We combined phylogenetic analysis, a screen of Arabidopsis mutants, recombinant protein characterization, and expression quantitative trait locus mapping to identify a gene encoding a nitrile-specifier protein (NSP) responsible for constitutive and herbivore-induced simple nitrile formation in Columbia-0 rosette leaves. AtNSP1 is one of five Arabidopsis ESP homologues that promote simple nitrile, but not epithionitrile or thiocyanate, formation. Four of these homologues possess one or two lectin-like jacalin domains, which share a common ancestry with the jacalin domains of the putative Arabidopsis myrosinase-binding proteins MBP1 and MBP2. A sixth ESP homologue lacked specifier activity and likely represents the ancestor of the gene family with a different biochemical function. By illuminating the genetic and biochemical bases of simple nitrile formation, our study provides new insights into the evolution of metabolic diversity in a complex plant defense system.


  • Glucosinolates are a group of thioglucosides that are components of an activated chemical defense found in the Brassicales

  • We report that in addition to basal levels of nitrile-forming activity, simple nitrile formation in Arabidopsis Col-0 rosette leaves is induced by herbivory and that this herbivore-induced simple nitrile formation is independent of epithiospecifier protein (ESP)

  • As simple nitriles serve as volatile signals in direct and indirect defense responses against P. rapae (De Vos et al, 2008; Mumm et al, 2008), we tested if herbivory by P. rapae larvae can induce simple nitrile formation in Arabidopsis Col-0

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Plant and insect proteins known as specifier proteins promote the rearrangement of the aglucone released by myrosinase to products other than isothiocyanates, namely to simple nitriles, epithionitriles, and organic thiocyanates, without having hydrolytic activity on glucosinolates themselves (Tookey, 1973; for review, see Wittstock and Burow, 2007; Fig. 1). While a protein that promotes simple nitrile but not epithionitrile formation (nitrile-specifier protein [NSP]) has been identified in larvae of the specialist herbivore P. rapae as the major biochemical adaptation that allows the larvae to feed on glucosinolate-containing plants (Wittstock et al, 2004; Wheat et al, 2007), there is no Arabidopsis gene encoding a protein with any significant structural similarity to the P. rapae NSP (Burow et al, 2006a). This gene is one representative of five related Arabidopsis genes that encode specifier proteins with NSP activity

A Role for At3g16400 in Simple Nitrile Formation Is Supported by QTL Analysis
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