
To prevent the recurrence of seasonal disorders Rutuvat Shodhanopakrama (Seasonal detoxification) is the ideal pathway. So in Varsharutu (Rainy season), Bastikarma (Enema therapy); Sharadrutu (Autumn season), Virechankarma (Purgation therapy) and in Vasantrutu (Spring sea- son), Vaman karma (Emesis therapy) is best for Shodhan (detoxification) of vitiated Vatadosha, Pittadosha and Kapha dosha respectively to avoid occurrence of seasonal disorders. Study is conducted only on Virechana karma (Purgation therapy) in Sharad Rutu (Autumn season) on sample size of 30 patients suffering from Pittaj Shirahshul (Headache). The chief symptoms of the disease are Shirodaha (Burning sensation in head), Shirovedana (Headache), Chakshudaha (Burning sensation in eyes), Trushna (Thirst), Bhrama (Giddiness) and Swedpravrutti (Sweating). Sharadkalin Trivrutadi Virechana yoga (purgative formulation used in Autumn) is most efficacious which acts as Pittaghna (reduces Pitta) and Rechana (purgative) which could be the beneficial line of treatment for Pittaj Shirahshul (Headache). Hence Virechana karma (Purgation ther- apy) should be carried out furthermore in every Sharad rutu (autumn season) to reduce the risk of relapse and to prevent rutujanya pittaj shirahshul (headache due to vitiated Pitta).

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