
The emergence of next-level technologies in fields like robotics and artificial intelligence has led many to conclude that weare entering a Fourth Industrial Revolution. Capabilities like 3Dprinting and nano-technology are expected to make it increasinglypossible to integrate human and digital functions, changing thescope, speed, and flexibility of what can be accomplished innumerous sectors and activities. Modalities for acquiring andsharing information are likely to be impacted strongly by thesedevelopments, and hence education as we know it is likely to bealtered significantly as well. As specialists in teacher education, itis our responsibility to stay ahead of the curve on such changes inorder to ensure that we are preparing our students for the realitiesof the classrooms in which they will teach. In this presentation, Ilook at some of the ways in which the technology and applicationsused in education can be expected to change in the near future,as well as at what teaching will be like for those charged withpreparing young people (and, perhaps, for retraining the rest ofus!) for life in the work, social, and cultural environments of Earthunder Revolution 4.0!

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