
Click to increase image sizeClick to decrease image size ACKNOWLEDGMENTSWe thank the DFG (grant BU 2587/1-1), Jurassic Foundation, Lamont-Doherty Earth Institute Climate Center (Columbia University), Chevron Student Initiative Fund (Columbia University), American Museum of Natural History (M. Norell), and the UMR 7207 of the CNRS for supporting this project. We thank J. Dzik and R. Bronowicz (ZPAL) and R. Schoch (SMNS) for access to specimens in their care. During the course of this project S.L.B. was funded by an NSF Graduate Research Fellowship and Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grant (DEB-1110357). R.J.B. was supported during completion of this work by an Emmy Noether Programme Award from the DFG (BU 2587/3-1). We thank A. Kasprak (who discovered the specimen), F. Lopes, E. Tschopp, C. Hendrickx, and J. Marinheiro for being part of our field team. We thank the Câmara Municipal de Loulé, Junta de Freguesia de Alte, and Câmara Municipal de Silves for local support, and V. Duarte and N. Lopez for careful laboratory preparation. M. Stocker and M. Maisch provided useful review comments.Handling editor: Emily Rayfield

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