
Although beginning of oil production our country is considered 1866 year, facts talk about other: the first oil fields of Russia appeared almost on 100 before. Foremost, the analysis of terms of beginning of regular booty of oil on territory of districts of Russia within bounds of middle of the XIX century shows that she began not earlier 1813 year, when to her were added Baku and Derbent khanates. However reports about sources, acted from the different corners of the state as early as XVI – XVIII centures. So, 1597 year from the district of the river Ukhta to Moscow first delivered combustible thick water that small amounts was collected from the surface of water. In 1721 year native Mezen town Grigory Cherepanov found on to Ukhta petroleum key, what by the decree of Peter 1 was recipient of an award by six roubles. However interest this opening did not cause. In 1738 year the Main artillery office the statement Shahanin about opening to them source of oil on Volga, below than Simbirsk. However decision about development of source of oil accepted it was not. In 1754 year attempt of creation of plant oil-spill the tatar petty officers of Urazmetovs under took from the surface of the river Juice. However the amount of the obtained oil appeared small. Finally illness of undermined an enterprise. In 1760 year request on a source being the Orenburg province, did the Ufa merchat Seneev and petty officer Yakshimbetov. They found out him near the river Inzer. Yetin 6 collection of oil being the Russian lakes in the Orenburg province near the White river Morgunov began. But most successes with the booty of oil man obtained on of that time territory of Russia, merchant F.S. Priadunov. In 1741 year on the instructions of Archangelic Province Office he visited Pustoozersky district for collecting tax. Here F.S. Priadunov knew that a local population from time immemorial had ladled her from pits and used domestic aims. After it he 1744 year about submitted the Archangelic Berg- college an application about permission to create a plant him the booty of oil on the Ukhta river. On 18 November, 1745 year by a Berg- college such permission it was given out him. Booty of oil of F. S. Priadunov began 1746 year.

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