
As pattern recognition receptors (PRRs), C-type lectins (CTLs) have important roles in the recognition and clearance of pathogens by the innate immune system. In the present study, the first Cherax quadricarinatus CTL gene (designated CqCTL) was cloned and characterized. The complete cDNA sequence of CqCTL contained an open reading frame (ORF) of 543 bp, which encoded a protein of 180 amino acids. A carbohydrate recognition domain (CRD) containing four conserved cysteines (Cys48, Cys59, Cys76, Cys177) and the EPD (Glu80-Pro81-Asn82) and QPD (Gln146-Pro147-Asn148) motifs were identified in the deduced amino acid sequence of CqCTL. The deduced tertiary structure of CqCTL revealed two α helices,five β sheets and two disulfide bonds. CqCTL exhibited high similarity with previously identified CTLs from other species. The mRNA transcripts of CqCTL were ubiquitously detectable in all the tested tissues, with the highest expression level in hepatopancreas. These results provide useful information on the potential role of CqCTL in the innate immune system of C. quadricarinatus, and lay the foundation for further studies on the CTLs of crustacean.

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