
The fine structure of the trophozoite, encysting cells, and the cyst of Acanthamoeba astronyxis has been examined. In the trophic form a microtubule organizing center was associated with a well developed Golgi complex. During encystment the organelles of the amoeba changed considerably. The profiles of rough endoplasmic reticulum elongated and were often arranged in circles of multilayered concentric systems, enclosing mitochondria, the nucleus, or other inclusions. The mitochondria showed a tendency toward elongation and constriction. One or two nucleolus-like bodies appeared in the nucleus. Lipid droplets increased considerably in amount and were distributed individually or as aggregates. The mature cyst was star-shaped and surrounded by an almost circular exocyst and an endocyst that was closely apposed to the cell membrane. Both walls differed in their thickness and granulation. The exocyst was continuous over the entire cyst, while the endocyst was interrupted by gaps, ostioles, in the region of the rays. Within the ostioles was a bell-shaped structure, the operculum. The latter was composed of a granular material comparable in electron density to that of the endocyst.

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