
The nigro-collicular pathway that links the basal ganglia to the sensorimotor layers of superior colliculus plays a crucial role in promoting orienting behaviors. This connection originating in the pars reticulata and lateralis of the substantia nigra has been shown in rat and cat to be topographically organized. In rat, a functional compartmentalization of the substantia nigra has also been shown reflecting that of the striatum. In light of this, we reinvestigated the topographical arrangement of the nigro-collicular pathway by examining the innervation of each nigral functional zone. We performed small injections of either biocytin or wheatgerm agglutinin conjugated with horseradish peroxidase restricted to identified somatic, visual and auditory nigral zones. Frontally cut sections showed that innervations provided by the three main nigral zones form a mosaic of complementary domains stratified from the stratum opticum to the ventral part of the intermediate collicular layers, with the somatic afferents sandwiched between the visual and the auditory ones. When reconstructed from semi-horizontal sections, nigral innervations organized in the form of a honeycomb-like array composed of 100 cylindrical modules covering three-quarters of the collicular surface. Such a modular architecture is reminiscent of the acetylcholinesterase lattice we previously described in rat intermediate collicular layers. In the enzyme lattice, the surroundings of the cylindrical modules are composed of a mosaic of dense and diffuse enzyme subdomains. Thus, we compared the distribution of the overall nigral projection and of its constituent channels with the acetylcholinesterase lattice. The procedure combined axonal labelling with histochemistry on single sections for acetylcholinesterase activity. The results demonstrate that the overall nigral projection overlaps the acetylcholinesterase lattice and its constituent channels converge with either the dense or the diffuse enzyme subdomains. The stereometric arrangement of the nigro-collicular pathway is suggestive of an architecture promoting the selection of collicular motor programs for different classes of orienting behavior.

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