
The remediation of such landslide as Slano blato more then 1300 m long and about 1.000.000 m3 of the volume, is very demanding. In the function of water contents the landslide behave as viscosious mud flow when the sliding masses are completely saturated with water or as a group of many classic soil landslides when saturation is not so high. From this conclusion the remediation has the main task to dry (or drain) soil material as much is possible. For the masses of about 200.000 m3 which slided into the valley near village Lokavec the only way of elimination of danger is removal and transport to the dump place, which was already done. Ali others measures as a part of final remediation are pushing of the sliding material from the main stream of the brook, building some smaller dams and making deep drain systems on the top of landslide. At the end regulation of brook through the gorge and surface planning with planting of the vegetation is necessary.

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