
Child development is closely related to the social environment of the child as provided by the parents, the siblings and relevant other persons in the family history. In the homeopathic treatment of children, the exploration of hidden and unconscious factors that may influence health is of great significance. These hidden factors might well relate to circumstances in the lives of other family members, and may even include family members who have passed away. Therefore one must consider not only apparent symptoms, but also the child's relationships with members of the family circle in the search for the right simillimum. Moreover, the child will often attempt to take on him or herself the burden of the parents' past, resulting in ailments that derive from situational factors rather than from actual physical circumstances. The two cases presented will explore the “family factor” in the treatment of children. The first case illustrates the relationship between a child and both parents, while the second case exemplifies a more complex system of relationships, including siblings, parents and other family members.

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