
A new approach to producing volume periodic polymer–metal nanoparticle structures ispresented. Periodic distribution of Ag nanoparticles in a polymer film can be obtained byapplying the holographic patterning in the UV or visible spectral range to the compositematerial comprising photocurable monomers, photoinitiators and a solution of silver nitratein acetonitrile. Photopolymerization of the composite in the interference pattern providesformation of a highly efficient volume grating composed of periodic polymer regions and Agprecursor-containing regions. Subsequent homogeneous UV irradiation and/orthermo-treatment of the grating causes reduction of silver ions to Ag nanoparticles in theareas of the film containing the metal precursor. Spectroscopic measurements confirm theformation of the nanoparticles in the gratings. Transmission electron microscopy showed aregular spatial distribution of well-defined Ag nanoparticles in a polymer film with aperiodicity governed by the geometry of holographic structuring. The averagediameter of nanoparticles can be controlled by the wavelength and intensity ofholographic exposure as well as the composite formulation. A possible mechanism ofsilver nanoparticle formation by free radicals as reducing agents is presented.

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