view Abstract Citations (57) References (23) Co-Reads Similar Papers Volume Content Graphics Metrics Export Citation NASA/ADS The Extinction Law in an Occulting Galaxy Berlind, Andreas A. ; Quillen, A. C. ; Pogge, R. W. ; Sellgren, K. Abstract We measure the extinction law in a galaxy's spiral arm and interarm regions using a visual and infrared (BVRJHK) imaging study of the interacting galaxies NGC 2207 and IC 2163. This is an overlapping spiral galaxy pair in which NGC 2207 partially occults IC 2163. This geometry enables us to directly measure the extinction of light from the background galaxy as it passes through the disk of the foreground galaxy. We measure the extinction as a function of wavelength, and find that there is less extinction in the optical bands than expected from a normal Galactic extinction law. This deviation is significantly larger in the interarm region than in the spiral arm. The extinction curve in the spiral arm resembles a Milky Way R_V=5.0 dust model and the interarm extinction curve is flatter (``greyer'') still. We examine the effect of scattering of background galaxy light into the line of sight and find that it is negligible. We also examine the effect of an unresolved patchy dust distribution using a simple two-component dust model as well as the clumpy dust model of \cite{wit96}. Both models clearly demonstrate that an unresolved patchy dust distribution can flatten the extinction curve significantly. When fit to the data, both models suggest that the observed difference between the arm and interarm extinction curves is caused by the interarm region of NGC 2207 having a higher degree of dust patchiness (density ratio between high-density and low-density phases) than the spiral arm region. We note that an unresolved patchy dust distribution will cause us to underestimate the average column depth of gas in a galaxy if based solely on the visual extinction. It is much better to use the infrared extinction for this purpose. Publication: The Astronomical Journal Pub Date: July 1997 DOI: 10.1086/118457 arXiv: arXiv:astro-ph/9704156 Bibcode: 1997AJ....114..107B Keywords: Astrophysics E-Print: To appear in July '97 issue of AJ. 24 pages including 6 embedded figures. Uses Latex aasms style full text sources arXiv | ADS | data products SIMBAD (3) NED (2)
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