
The aim of the study was to examine the consecutive series of primary ductal invasive tumoure and fincl out: a) the expression of some biological cellular parameters as proliferating antigens Ki67 and PCNA and products of suppressor gene ~53; b) correlation between the levels of expression of those factors and classical prognostic factors. In 1994 eighty eight woman were operated for primary ductal carcinoma of the breast. The material used in the study: a) tissue samples fixed in 10% buffer formaline and paraffin embedded; b) tissue samples of the same turnours to estimate levels of steroids receptors. We used monoclonal antibodies (Dakopatts). The examination of steroids receptors was done with the usage of immunoenzymatic ELISA method. The kinetics for nuclear antigens: Ki67, PCNA, ~53, defined as index, has been estimated with half-quantitative method with the usage of Hogg’s grating (number of positive cells/1000 cells in 10 microscopic fields). The estimation has been done by two pathologists and the final result has been reported as arithmetical mean. Results: 1. High index IP PCNA, Ki67, I p53 and low levels of steroids receptors correlates with high histological malignancy (Bloom Ill); 2. Low index IP PCNA, Ki67, I ~53 correlates with high levels of steroids receptors; 3. The estimation of high levels of index IP PCNA, IP Ki67 can be helpful for separate tumours of high proliferating activity; 4. High index of I ~53 do not correlate with the diameter of tumour and with involvement of axillary lymph nodes; 5. It seems that the estimation of proliferating antigens together with products of suppressor gene ~53 might have greater prognostic value than the estimation of single of those factors.

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