
Abstract Background Communities in Charge of Alcohol (CICA) is an Asset Based Community Development (ABCD) place-based approach to reducing alcohol harm. Local volunteers, from areas with multiple indicators of deprivation, train to become accredited 'Alcohol Health Champions' (AHCs). AHCs, supported by a local co-ordinator, provide brief opportunistic advice at an individual level and mobilise action on alcohol availability through influencing licensing decisions at a community level. CICA is the first programme we are aware of globally that has attempted to build local AHC capacity. Here we explore lessons learned from four case study areas (of the original ten) that persisted with the intervention for more than 12 months. Methods A case study approach to investigate the context, acceptability, facilitators and barriers to maintaining CICA. Descriptive analysis of ongoing recruitment of champions, numbers of training events and activity of champions (as reported by area coordinators). Framework analysis of interviews with AHCs and stakeholders. Results CICA has increased public health capacity by training 123 AHCs in its first year. The four areas that continued with CICA have trained a further 34. The different approaches in the four areas include: embedding champions in wider health champion/volunteering projects; innovative use of new technology (portable fibroscan); expansion into different geographical areas. AHCs and coordinators report significant social value from participation in CICA. Conclusions The likelihood of embedding CICA into a local area's activities appeared to be dependent on the energy and enthusiasm of the local area's co-ordinator, and may be dependent on that individual remaining in post. ABCD programmes may be more likely to be sustainable if capacity building is supported. CICA might be more sustainable if it was embedded in a wider programme of ABCD, since health issues are interrelated and AHCs often wish to broaden their portfolio. Key messages A volunteer alcohol health champions programme increased public health capacity in areas of social deprivation by utilising the assets (skills) of local people. Embedding a community alcohol health champions programme in a wider programme of asset based community development is more sustainable and allows champions to broaden their volunteering portfolio.

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