
Volodymyr Barchuk, doctor of philological sciences, professor of the Ukrainian language department of Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University, known in the scientific world as a linguist – a researcher of the grammatical level of the language: morphology and syntax, grammatical categoryology, as well as the history of language, the field of communicative and cognitive linguistics, recently debuted with a poetic collection "Heavenly Tower", signed under the pseudonym Volodymyr Otyn. The article characterizes the peculiarities of the functioning of epithets as one of the artistic and pictorial means in the indicated book. Groups of epithets have been identified according to various characteristics: permanent and individually authored, the latter of which significantly predominate; structural features of epithets, ways of expression are indicated. The functional and stylistic load of epithets in the texts of the named collection is clarified, and attention is also drawn to the phenomenon of amplification with the use of epithets, characteristic of poetic texts. It has been established that the use of colorative adjectives in the role of epithets is characteristic of Volodymyr Otyn's poetry. A stable trend has been observed regarding the way epithets are expressed: they are mainly adjectives or adverbs, adverbial epithets are represented less frequently. The most diverse in terms of semantics are the groups of signified words with which the author combines epithets: spatial and temporal names, names of human feelings and sensations, names of natural phenomena, abstract concepts, etc. The functions of epithets in the analyzed poems are indicated: text-creative, restrictive-exclusive, descriptive-extensive, image-creating, individualization function. On the basis of the analysis, it is proved that the wealth of epithets and the high frequency of its use are one of the defining features of Volodymyr Otyn's idiostyle.

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