
H UMAN BEINGS communicate with each other by means of signs and gestures, vocal sounds, and conventionalized drawn, written, or printed symbols. These are the media of communication by language; language is the vehicle or the channel of communication, but communication is always the end. Human beings make signs and gestures, utter vocal noises, and create visible symbols in order to convey meaning to each other. The medium is only the convenience, not the end or goal. If it were possible to convey meaning from mind to mind directly, as in what is sometimes called mental telepathy, spoken language at least would tend to disappear. But for some time ahead the media of signs, sounds, and symbols will continue to be the conveniences by which we communicate with each other. Our chief concern should be with what we communicate to one another. Our continued existence as homo sapiens depends upon that. But we do not always act, and especially we do not always teach, as though communication were the first concern of man. I would like to suggest that in

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