
The Black Sea is considered a relatively calm sea, the optimal choice for the capture process is influenced by the wave regime and its peculiarities. This sea is characterized by winds that blow towards land with greater intensity in January causing the sea to be more agitated and with less power in May, June and July, when the sea was the calmest of the year. It should be noted that the frequency of strong winds is 38%, and of those of low speed of 1m/s of only 1.5%. For the collection of oceanographic and meteorological information, data provided by the Gloria platform located in front of Romania’s coast were is used, as well as records from the three offshore buoys anchored in the Romanian seaside area and which are part of the EMSO EUXINUS research infrastructure managed by National Institute for Research and Development on Marine Geology and Geoecology - GeoEcoMar. In addition, free data such as those provided by the site of the research institute Grigore Antipa were easily accessed. Presently there are three fixed platforms in the Black Sea. Wave energy is underexploited, both worldwide and in the Black Sea. The potential of this type of energy is huge, and the environmental impact is low compared to other renewable energy technologies.

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