
We describe a previously unnoted problem which, if it occurs, causes the empirical likelihood method to break down. It is related to the empty set problem, recently described in detail by Grendar and Judge (2009), which is the problem that the empirical likelihood model is empty, so that maximum empirical likelihood estimates do not exist. An example is the model that the mean is zero, while all observations are positive. A related problem, which appears to have gone unnoted so far, is what we call the zero likelihood problem. This occurs when the empirical likelihood model is nonempty but all its elements have zero empirical likelihood. Hence, also in this case inference regarding the model under investigation breaks down. An example is the model that the covariance is zero, and the sample consists of monotonically associated observations. In this paper, we define the problem generally and give examples. Although the problem can occur in many situations, we found it to be especially prevalent in marginal modeling of categorical data, when the problem often occurs with probability close to one for large, sparse contingency tables.


  • With P a set of probability distributions, a subset of P is called a model in P

  • ΦX consists of those probability distributions in ΦΩ whose support is X

  • A important application of maximum empirical likelihood (MEL) estimation is the testing of the null hypothesis that P ∈ ΦΩ against the alternative hypothesis that P ∈

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Description of the empirical likelihood method

With P a set of probability distributions, a subset of P is called a model in P. For a topological space Ω let P(Ω) be the set of Borel probability measures on Ω, called the saturated model. We consider maximum empirical likelihood (MEL) estimation of a distribution P ∈ ΦΩ. The empirical likelihood sample space is the finite set X = {X1, . For this purpose, it is common to use the log likelihood ratio test statistic. (NB: these authors gave conditions on estimating equations which imply θ(P ) = 0; so those are implicit conditions on θ.) So-called inversion of the likelihood ratio test can be used to construct confidence intervals for θ(P )

The empty set and zero likelihood problems
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