
The structure of the electrical double layer (EDL) of micelles in dilute micellar solutions in the presence of a background electrolyte is studied within the framework of the Gouy-Chapman-Stern theory. On the basis of the Stern isotherm for counterion adsorption, conditions of electroneutrality, and the Gauss condition at the interface between the diffuse and dense parts of EDL, three equations are derived for the electrostatic potentials of the surface of micelle cores and the diffuse part of EDL as well as for the potential of the specific adsorption of counterions. Model parameters are verified by the example of sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS). Potentials of the diffuse part of EDL, the degree of binding of counterions with micelles, and the specific adsorption potential are calculated from the experimental data on the potential of the surface of SDS micelle cores and their sizes, critical micellization concentration, aggregation numbers, and the constants of premicellar association. The specific adsorption potential of SDS is found to be −(4.6 ± 0.1)ϑ, where ϑ is the product of Boltzmann’s constant and absolute temperature. The specific adsorption potential is independent of the background electrolyte concentration, remains constant within the determination error of the parameters, and substantially contributes to the formation of EDL of micelles.

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