
Abstract Introduction: More and more young people with low back pain address family doctors or orthopaedists, being subsequently directed to the medical rehabilitation centres. Recent studies have shown that the medication only, prescribed in these cases, is not sufficient for the complete reintegration of these people into the workplace and into society. Physical exercises play an important role in the rehabilitation of these subjects. Aim: We conducted this study starting from the hypothesis that regular exercise can reduce pain and improve the well-being of patients diagnosed with lumbar disc herniation. Methods: The study was conducted at the “Politehnica” University of Timisoara within the Department of Physical Education and Sports, between September and November 2019. Ten subjects diagnosed (both clinically and by imaging) with lumbar disc herniation were included in the study. All patients followed an exercise program 3 times a week, for 90 days. As evaluation methods we used: the subjective pain evaluation scale (VAS scale) and the health assessment questionnaire (HAQ). Results: All the parameters followed in this study were improved following the application of the physical exercise program (muscle stretching, toning of the back and abdomen muscles, and as a result of the correct implementation of the notions of ergonomics at work and at home). In conclusion, we consider it is necessary to implement a protocol of exercises performed regularly for a long period in the case of patients with lumbar pain secondary to disc herniation.

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