
No research exists about the efficiency of regulation and self-regulation in regard to the protection of children's rights in the Croatian media. Until today no analysis has been conducted on how relevant Croatian institutions monitor the implementation of media laws and by extension the provisions relating to the protection of children's rights in the media. In this paper we seek to examine complaints of citizens and institutions sent to the Croatian Journalists' Association (CJA) regarding violations of the CJA Code of Honor as well as reports by the Office of the Ombudsman for Children, the Electronic Media Council and the Croatian Media Council, regarding complaints about violations of children's rights in the media in the past five years (2008-2012). We shall not only analyze reports by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Office of the Attorney General of the Republic of Croatia, but also analyze and demonstrate whether these institutions have adequately, through which methods and to what extent, responded to the disregard of children's rights in the media, in line with their legal authorities. Based upon research findings, we offer proposals for the better protection of children's rights in the media, as well as for the work of institutions that are responsible for supervising the implementation of legal codes and ethical norms. It is necessary to define the authorities and obligations of an ad hoc body, or to transfer authorities to a previously established body. In this way the gap in the regulation of print and electronic media in Croatia would be bridged. It is also of central importance that the institutions responsible for implementing on their own initiative legal and self-regulation acts, do indeed process cases of children's rights violations, in line with their authorities. Improved coordination, new educational programs for journalists and better cooperation among the relevant institutions is expected as well.

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