
Phaseolusvulgaries seeds were inoculated with Rhizobium phaseoli, Phosphate solubilizing Microorganisms (PSM) with rock phosphate in plots containing poultry droppings slurry of biogas plant. This experiment was carried out in 4 treatments with control (T1, T2, T3, T4 and T0).The samples were collected at seedling, preflowering, blooming and end stages to learn the phenotypical nature, NPK and chlorophyll contents. Studies on microbes have also been conducted on plants at every stage of development. Comparing the plant supplied by R.phaseous PSM with rock phosphate to control and other application combinations, the results showed that the plant recorded the highest values in the morphological, biochemical, and microbiological features.From the seedling stage on, the plants' NPK content also rose. (1.262%, 0.28% & 0.26%) to the flowering stage. In the T4 treatment, there are likewise 36 nodules, and each nodule weighs 0.268 g. The weight is roughly 0.039g, and the lowest nodule number (07nos) was discovered in the control. The enriched manure that produced the best results was the combination of SPDS+PSM+RP+R.phaseoli (T4). The yield was 2.435tons/hectare and PSM+RP (T2), which produced 1.890 tons/hectare; PSM+RP (T3), 1.101 tons/hectare in inorganic manure (T1), and control (0.821 tons/hectare) (T0). The study report highlighted the critical roles that PSO, R. phaseoli, and rock phosphate played in P. vulgaries nodulation, nitrogen fixation, and good yield.

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