
In 2003 Health Transformation Program and in 2006 Social Security Reform were launched in Turkey. At the end of the years 2009 and 2011 price cuts were done by the Government and between the years 2010-2012, there was a global budget implementation in Turkey. The top 100 medicines, annual average highest amount of sales of between 2008-2013, had one to four of the total pharmaceutical market value in 2013. We aimed to examine the status of biotech-medicines in the first 100 medicine’s and evaluate the effects of policy interventions on these medicine sales. While pharmaceutical sales data were obtained from the IMS Health-Turkey data base, prices and characteristics of medicines were obtained from the Turkish Medicine and Medical Devices Agency data bases. Each group (biotech/nonbiotech-medicines) was analyzed using TRAMO and SEATS method. 19 medicines are biotechnological. In 2009 compared to 2008 while biotech-medicines amount increased by 43.8%, nonbiotech-medicines amount increased by 14.2%. In subsequent years, an increase over the previous year is observed at lower rates for biotech-medicines. This total amount has decreased compared to previous years for nonbiotech-medicines. 2014 and 2015 for the consumption of biotechnological medicines was estimated to be around 9 million boxes, expenditure for 2014 of 1360 million Turkish Liras (TL) and 2015 million TL for the year 2015. On the other hand, non-biotechnological medicines consumption would be approximately 185 million boxes and for the year 2014 2225 million TL, for the year 2015 2280 million TL are projected. Biotechnological medicines have high unit costs and these costs are increasing compared to year to year. Policy interventions did not effected biotechnological medicine sales negatively. While big differences between the biotechnological and non-biotechnological medicine box sales will continue, the gap between the biotechnological and non-biotechnological medicines total amount will be closer.

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