Enclosure and exclosure experiments were conducted in Canary Creek marsh to examine how predation by a killifish, Fundulus heteroclitus (L.), affects the abundance and size distribution of the salt marsh snail, Melampus bidentatus (Say). Enclosures (7.6 × 19.7 m ) were stocked with Fundulus heteroclitus at densities of one-half normal, normal, twice normal, and four times normal density. Fish exclusion pens were also built. In both years of study, the mean density of snails increased significantly in pens where fish were excluded or their density reduced. During the same period in each year, the density of snails in pens containing higher than normal fish density fell by ≈50%. Fish density also affected the size distribution of snails within pens. In both years, mean shell length of snails in the pen with the highest density of fish was significantly greater, and mean shell length of snails within fish exclusion pens was significantly lower than in all other treatments. Gape size limitation of F. heteroclitus causes selective predation on small snails and apparently is responsible for the difference in mean shell length among treatments. Density and size distribution measurements of the natural Melampus bidentatus population in Canary Creek marsh were also taken. Larger snails were found to occur in the low marsh zone, whereas smaller snails occurred in the high marsh zone. Since the high marsh area is flooded less often than the low marsh, and the grass types found in the high marsh zone are known to afford protection from fish predation, the distribution of snails in the marsh is consistent with the idea that fish predation is an important factor influencing the distribution of snails in Canary Creek marsh.
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