
While multiple divorces have become more comrnonplace in our society, the perception of persons who have been divorced more than once has not been studied. Half of each of 40 male and 40 female college students were randomly assigned to rate either four male or four femalc stimulus persons each briefly described as either married, divorced once, twice, or threc times. Subjects rated each stimulus person on 3 1 7-point bipolar itcms which were each vart of one of four differcnt scales derived from the divorce and related pcrson pcrception litcraturcs: Prol'essional Competence, Intemersonal Adiustment, Psvcholor?ical Deviancc, and Morality. Divoiced womenland mcn were more negatively evaluated than married women and men, with negative ratings incrcasing with number of divorces on all four scales.

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