
The possibility that isolation-rearing in the rat affects the development of inhibitory mechanisms was studied in a series of experiments. It was found that socially-isolated rats were (1) slower to learn both a lever-panel alternation, and a two-lever alternation schedule of reinforcement, (2) more persistent than controls in pressing a lever for food when a supply of identical “free food” was introduced into the operant chamber, but (3) similar to control rats in their response to preloading with food, a procedure which inhibited lever pressing to the same extent in the two groups. Finally, it was shown in a separate experiment that the effects of increased food deprivation on lever pressing in the presence of free food were qualitatively different from the effects of social isolation, and therefore the social/isolate difference cannot be interpreted as motivational. The possible contributions of neophobia to the difference are discussed. It is concluded that isolates may well suffer from a disinhibitory defect, but that there are probably other effects of isolation in addition.

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